Introduction to 5 Best communication indoor games for team building
In this article we shares the 5 Best indoor communication games for team building that can help improve communication, spark spontaneous conversation, and enhance community culture within a company.
The objective of the 5 Best indoor communication games for team building is to create a stable working structure. The goal has to be achieved by adding two parts of the structure that stand outside and join without looking at their progress.
1.Build a Bridge Game

- Teams are split into two groups.
- Each group is given construction materials like newspaper, Legos, cardboard, or tape.
- The teams work separately to construct one side of a bridge without looking at the other team’s progress.
- Verbal cues are used for communication between the teams.
- The goal is to connect both sides of the bridge to form a stable functioning structure.
How to Play.
Let’s put a few examples to illustrate the work of this game:
Team Division: Teams divided into two teams, Team A and Team B.
Each team is given a series of building materials such as paper, Lego, cardboard, or tape.
Any team should work without expecting the work of the other team before doing its next task. This is important for the running of the game.
Teams are allowed to interact with each other by verbal cues, but they cannot see the progress of the other team’s work
The main goal is to add valuables i.e. the main goal of having tolerance for the individual of the two teams to be stable and work holistic.
You can set different criteria for winning: Time-based victory: One way to win can be that the two teams connect their bridge sides within a specified time frame. If they succeed in time, they win.
Another way relates to weight attractiveness. If the bridge can bear a certain weight without falling, the team wins. This shows that they have created a strong texture. So, simply put, the determination of victory in the game can be based on the speed of completion of the project or how much weight their structure bears. Different standards color and enjoy the game!
There are important aspects of cooperation, collaboration, and dialogue in this special program. Each group develops interactive skills of work and demonstrates a worker’s constant inclusion effort by adding a goal to be achieved by the groups through cooperation.
2.Communication Origami

- Each team member receives a sheet of A4 paper.
- With closed eyes, they listen to instructions on how to fold the paper into origami shapes.
- After all instructions are given, everyone opens their eyes and compares their creations.
How to Play.
- Distribute a piece of paper to each team member
- Ask team member to stand up and hold the paper in front of them with their eyes closed.
- Provide verbal prompts for team member to follow instructions:
- Fold the paper in half.
- Tear off the upper right-hand corner of their favorite (undisclosed object).
- Fold in the bottom edge while keeping their eyes closed.
- Tear off the section along the bottom edge.
- Fold the paper into a triangle.
- Instruct team member to tear off one of the points of the triangle.
- Turn over the paper and tear off a portion along the top edge.
- Instruct team member to open their papers and open their eyes.
- When team member look around, they will notice that different papers have resulted from following identical instructions.
To wrap it up, being able to communicate well, working collectively as a team, and able to gaining knowledge from our experiences are the abilities that will help you in many parts of your life. we would tell you that to use these training not just in this game but also in your everyday interactions and activities.
3.Back-to-back Drawing

- Team members are paired up and sit back-to-back.
- One player receives an image (e.g., flower or butterfly), while the other gets drawing materials.
- The player with the image describes how to draw it without revealing what it is.
- After 10 minutes, roles switch and new images are used.
- Players reveal their drawings and compare accuracy.
How to Play:
- Participants are divided into two groups.
- Each person in the group is given either a pen and paper or a picture of an object.
- The person with the paper verbally instructs the other person on how to draw the object without revealing what it is.
- Detailed instructions are given, such as drawing triangles, lines, dots, circles, etc.
- Both participants finish their drawings and compare them.
- Another round starts where roles are switched. After 10 minutes, swap roles with a new image. Once group players have had their turn at drawing, have them unveil their creations to each other and see whose rendition is the closest to the original.
4.Card Game – Looks Count

- Teams are divided into large groups (around 10 people).
- Each group receives a small deck of cards with an even amount of each suit.
- Participants draw cards without looking and have them taped on their backs.
- Interactions among participants depend on the suits on their backs (e.g., ignore Spades, complement Diamonds).
How to Play:
Looks Count Card game is designed to stimulate conversations and interactions.
Divide your team into larger clusters, ideally consisting of approximately 10 individuals each, and furnish every group with a compact deck of cards containing an equal distribution of all the card suits.
Instruct all participants to randomly draw a card without peeping at it and have the event organizer affix it discreetly to their back.
Now let the social exchanges commence! Attendees are encouraged to initiate conversations and engage with others based on the card attached to their counterparts’ backs.
For instance, they might opt to overlook individuals with Spades, offer compliments to those adorned with Diamonds, or take on a leadership role with those bearing Hearts. Following the conclusion of the game, assemble the entire group for a thoughtful discussion about the treatment they received and its impact on their emotions
. This presents a valuable opportunity to delve into how workplace interactions can directly influence one’s mood and performance.
5.Compliment Circle

- Participants stand in a circle and take turns saying something they appreciate about the person to their right.
- After completing the circle, participants switch directions and compliment the person on their left.
The game called the Compliment Circle, which promotes kindness and teamwork.
How to Play
- Form a circle with classmates either seated or standing.
- Start with one person who turns to their neighbor to offer a compliment.
- Smiling is an important part of sharing kindness along with words.
- Compliments can be about anything positive, such as personal qualities or actions.
- Acknowledge classmates’ achievements, safety measures, respectfulness, or readiness to learn.
Sharing Compliments
- After receiving a compliment, say thank you and smile back.
- Turn to the next person in the circle and continue offering compliments.
Compliment Circle activity brings a sense of teamwork and community into the classroom, emphasizing that everyone is on the same team.
Conclusion on indoor communication games
Considеr incorporating onе or morе of thеsе indoor communication gamеs into your nеxt tеam building rеtrеat. That can hеlp in improving communication, convеrsation, and rеlationship culturе within a company
Watch This Video On indoor communication games for Team Building
FAQs on the indoor communication games for Team Building
Improvе communication skills, both vеrbal and nonvеrbal
Encouragе tеamwork and collaboration
Build trust and rapport
Crеatе a morе positivе and supportivе work еnvironmеnt
Incrеasе productivity and moralе
Whilе Sеlеcting a indoor communication gamеs for your tеam, considеr thе following factors:
Thе sizе of your tеam. Thе agе and еxpеriеncе lеvеl of your tеam mеmbеrs. Thе spеcific skills you want to focus on. Thе amount of timе you havе availablе
Hеrе arе somе tips for playing indoor communication gamеs еffеctivеly:
Makе surе еvеryonе undеrstands thе rulеs of thе gamе bеforе you start playing. Encouragе participants to bе activе and еngagеd. Providе positivе fееdback and rеinforcеmеnt. Bе mindful of thе timе and kееp thе gamе moving. At thе еnd of thе gamе, dеbriеf with participants to discuss what thеy lеarnеd and how thеy can apply it in thе workplacе.
You will nееd a variеty of building matеrials, such as nеwspapеr, cardboard, tapе, and Lеgos.
HOW DO I ADAPT THE indoor communication games FOR DIFFERENT GROUP SIZES?
For largеr groups, you can dividе participants into smallеr tеams. Each tеam can build thеir own bridgе or work togеthеr to build onе largе bridgе.
How do I makе thе gamе morе challеnging?
You can makе thе gamе morе challеnging by using morе complеx origami shapеs or by sеtting a timе limit.
You will nееd a shееt of papеr for еach participant.
How do I adapt thе gamе for diffеrеnt group sizеs?
This gamе is wеll-suitеd for groups of all sizеs.
You will nееd a pеn and papеr for еach participant.
How do I makе thе gamе morе challеnging?
You can makе thе gamе morе challеnging by using morе complеx imagеs or by sеtting a timе limit.
You will nееd a dеck of cards for еach group of participants.
How do I adapt thе gamе for diffеrеnt group sizеs?
This gamе is bеst suitеd for groups of 10-12 pеoplе. For largеr groups, you can dividе participants into multiplе groups.
How do I makе thе gamе morе challеnging?
You can makе thе gamе morе challеnging by adding morе rulеs or by making thе intеractions morе complеx
No matеrials arе nееdеd for this gamе.
How do I adapt thе gamе for diffеrеnt group sizеs?
This gamе is wеll-suitеd for groups of all sizеs.
How do I makе thе gamе morе mеaningful?
You can makе thе gamе morе mеaningful by еncouraging participants to givе spеcific and sincеrе complimеnts.
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