No more itchy bites! These 10 plants are your natural pest control against pesky mosquitoes and flies.

 Lavender: This pretty purple flower keeps away not just mosquitoes, but also moths, fleas, and even some bugs. Put it in a vase or plant it near your door for maximum pest power.

 Basil: Fresh and tasty in your food, basil also makes flies and mosquitoes buzz off! Plant it in a pot or in your garden, and enjoy the double benefit.

Mint: This kitchen herb keeps away not just mosquitoes and flies, but also ants looking for a snack. Put it near windows and doors, or even rub some leaves on your skin for a safe, kid-friendly mosquito shield.

Pretty flowers, happy you: Chrysanthemums look beautiful and have a strong smell that kicks out ticks, fleas, and other annoying bugs. They're even safe for pets!

Lemongrass: This tall, lemony plant makes mosquitoes and flies say "hasta la vista, baby!" It's even good at keeping those pesky stable flies away.

Alliums: Garlic, onions, and leeks (all part of the allium family) aren't just good for cooking. They also make mosquitoes, aphids, and even some veggie-munching worms think twice before entering your garden.

Sage: This wise plant doesn't just taste good, it also keeps ants, flies, and mosquitoes at bay. One pot of sage can be your secret weapon against 32% of the mosquito army!

 Catnip, not just for cats: This playful plant's scent sends house flies and mosquitoes packing, even better than some chemical repellents. Your furry friends might love it too!

Rosemary, not just for cooking: This fragrant herb keeps flies and mosquitoes from crashing your outdoor fun like picnics and barbecues. Just toss some sprigs on the grill for a smoky, pest-repelling treat.

Scented geraniums: These pretty flowers smell like citronella, which flies and mosquitoes hate. Crush their leaves or dab their oil on your skin for a natural insect shield.