Set reading goals

Woman Reading

This provides direction and motivates you to read consistently.

Choose the right approach

Woman Reading 02

Set a yearly book target (top-down) or determine daily reading capacity (bottom-up)

Plan your reading

Divide yearly goals into monthly or weekly targets for the top-down approach.

Track your progress

Use a physical reading log to record book titles, page numbers, and reading sessions.

Log daily pages


Write down the number of pages read for each session and calculate the daily total

Circle daily page totals

This simplifies calculating monthly and yearly totals.

Use a physical log

It offers better visualization and avoids distractions from digital devices.


Choose shorter books or manageable daily goals, gradually increasing over time.

Start simple

Choose shorter books or manageable daily goals, gradually increasing over time.

Schedule dedicated reading time each day to form a consistent habit.

Maintain a routine

Find enjoyment

Read books you find interesting and engaging to stay motivated.